About Me
I originally studied biology and specialised in anthropology within biology. This knowledge still accompanies me today in my work as a psychotherapist. As part of my psychotherapeutic training, I worked in various psychiatric wards for adults, children and adolescents, in a socio-pedagogical institution and in the outpatient therapy clinic of the training centre for systemic family therapy. Since 2024, I have also been working parallel as a psychotherapist in training under supervision at ‘Lebensberatung Kolping’.
My Approach
How do I approach things
For me, the psyche is a central component of our self. Its health influences our lives, our relationships and our physical well-being. As a systemic therapist, I always look at you and your concerns in the context of your social relationships and your environment. A central assumption of systemic therapy is that you yourself are the expert on your life. I support you in activating your strengths and resources and finding solutions to your challenges in a safe environment.
I firmly believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, empathy and on an equal footing and would like to give you the space to be heard and seen in our work together.
Further Training
In addition to my education
My professional commitment also includes continuous further training. Here are some of my training courses:​
Sex & Crime
Gender incongruence in child and adolescent psychiatry
Media consumption in (young) children
INKiJu (Interdisciplinary Network for Children and Adolescents) training course
Nature therapy: Nature dialogues - the sympoietic approach in therapy, counselling and education
Risks and (side) effects of psychotherapy
The use of books in therapy with children
Safer with sex: Talking about sexuality in psychotherapy
Systemic Therapy
What exactly is that
Systemic therapy, also known as systemic family therapy, is a recognised form of psychotherapy that sees people as part of a complex social system. These systems can include families, partnerships, circles of friends or work environments. Problems are not seen as isolated deficits of a single person, but as the result of relationship dynamics and communication patterns within the entire system.
The main aim of systemic therapy is to shed light on interpersonal interactions and improve the quality of relationships in order to increase individual well-being. The focus is not only on the causes of the problems, but also on their function within the system. The therapist looks at these problems in a circular way, which means that the therapist analyses the interactions between the system elements in order to bring the system into balance.
In a protected and trusting environment, clients work together with the therapist to utilise their existing resources and skills in order to develop suitable solution strategies. Relevant attachment figures can be included in the therapeutic process in order to discover new ways of dealing with challenges together and to find autonomous solutions to existing concerns.
Due to its flexibility, systemic therapy can be used in a variety of settings - whether in individual, couple, family or group therapy - and thus enables customised support to promote individual and collective well-being.
Focal points
What is my area of expertise
Some of my main areas of work are listed here. Many factors and stresses are often intertwined, which is why it is often difficult to look at just one area in isolation. You are therefore welcome to contact me with other issues as well. I offer my support in individual, couple, multi-person or family settings.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information or to arrange an initial consultation.
Anxiety - Panic
Exhaustion - burnout
Sleep disorders
Chronic illnesses
Trauma/stress disorders
Experiences of violence
Obsessive-compulsive disorders
Eating disorders
Substance abuse/dependence
Fear of abandonment and loss, loneliness
Loss - grief
Stress-related illnesses
Acute stress reactions
Stressful life situations
Crisis management
Relationship(s) - Partnership - Marriage
Parenthood - Co-parenthood - Patchwork
Friendship conflicts
Growing up
Separation - Divorce
Pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage and foetal death
Ageing, generativity, dying and death
Transitional phases
Body, physicality and body awareness
Self-worth - Identity
Meaning - finding meaning
Psychosocial health, health promotion
Biography, socialisation and becoming
Mindfulness and mindfulness exercises
High sensitivity, highly sensitive person (HSP), giftedness
Education and career
Mobbing, bossing, staffing and bullying